View samples of our services

Proofreading to remove errors in the language, consistency, formatting, and more.

Professional feedback on your fiction or non-fiction work.

Completely confidential and secure.

Expert editing for greater coherence, consistency, and clarity.

Editors are English language experts from diverse academic and professional fields.

Free revision of your edited document so that you are 100% satisfied.

Before Editing
before editing
After Editing
after editing

Our industry proven and experienced typesetters will design, format and layout your entire content to perfection. We will also perfect the overall look and feel of your book, including the following: title page, titles of chapters, headers & footers, front and back portion (including the copyright page, table of contents, author profile, dedication page, review excerpts, among others), indentation, font sizes/styles, your preferred typefaces, line spacing, and so much more.

We'll also happily accommodate any additional or special content that you’d want to fit in, such as illustrations, tables, checklists, photos foldouts, bulleted lists, glossaries, indexes, etc.

We convert all types of files into email or print format by conforming to the nuanced standards and guidelines of the world’s most reputed publishing platforms, including but not restricted to Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Lulu, CreateSpace and/or any world-renowned printing agency.

Before Typesetting
before editing
After Typesetting
after editing

Get a precision-laden, eye-catching and tailored book cover (spine, front, back, as well as full dust jacket) in every conceivable format for print and digital publishing.

Our award-winning designers of book cover specialise in a broad range of genres and have multiple decades of proven experience in the field of publishing.

Our services are 100% safe, secure, and confidential.

You can select between two options that are diligently conceptualised and designed to address all your needs.

Fast & timely delivery guaranteed- our customer support services are available 24/7 a year, including on weekends.

before editing

ISBN registration: Get fast and easy access to ISBN (International Standard Book Number) so as to register/identify your book on some of the world’s top publication platforms (including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Lulu, and CreateSpace), at libraries, bookstores, and a lot more.

Online book distribution: Entrust us with the tedious and painstaking task of getting your cover art, eBook, and metadata uploaded, and providing pertinent supplementary information to the aforementioned online publishing platforms.

Book review writing: Avail speedy access to a professionally-crafted, well-structured, and insightful book review that gives your prospective readers a compelling glimpse into your book’s content - as well as your unique style, approach, and individual voice - to underscore your biggest strengths as a writer.

Barcode creation: Get your book's ISBN into converted into a barcode (meeting industry standards) to facilitate the distribution of a printed or physical copy of your book.

Copyright page: Our well-respected experts create an impressive, flawlessly formatted and ready-to-publish copyright page that adheres to all industry standards of excellence.

Blurb writing: Benefit from a laser-sharp, succinct blurb that not only encapsulates the essence of your book's content, but also piques your readers’ curiosity.

after editing

Authors Reviews

Don't believe us? Not a problem. We let you (our clients) do the talking!

Testimonial author


Working with TrueEditors has been nothing short of a dream-come-true! I was literally guided like a caring partner who navigated my path in the journey of self-publishing. In addition to the excellent copy-editing work done on my manuscript, my dream of getting published in a hassle-free manner has come true. An absolute must for all authors- strongly recommended

Testimonial author


Joseph and Kurt went out of their way in helping me get my book published. They were professional, courteous, answered all my questions, and best of all- showered me with personal attention! My cover design was awesome too! I wouldn't think twice before recommending TrueEditors to any author.

Testimonial author


TrueEditors is an epitome of professionalism, competence, foresight, and proactive insights. They went above and beyond my publishing needs, even responding to my emergent communications, no matter what the hour. All my phone calls, emails, and chats were dealt with in a polite, proper manner. Not once did they give me an opportunity to complain. Look no further than them for all your manuscripts and publishing needs.

Testimonial author


Simply amazing! Your ability to read my mind and capture it perfectly never ceases to amaze me. Excellent is an understatement for what you’ve consistently done for me. Your proofreaders and editors are brilliant and generous. Thank you for everything you’re doing for me. You have a lifelong customer and admirer in me for sure!

Why Choose Us

At TrueEditors, we’ve been delighted to have helped 5,000+ authors publish. Be it, newbies, bestsellers, presidential nominees, Hall of Famers, or reality stars, we’ve been there and done that.

We walk the talk. Together

Handholding you all the way through, our experienced publishing consultant will be happy to answer every question, doubt, or concern of yours. Besides ensuring your manuscript is good-to-go, we’ll walk you through the whole nine yards – from publication to distribution to marketing.

Ease is the name of the game

It doesn’t matter if you’re a first-time author or a seasoned pro – you deserve the best without getting confused by the nitty-gritties of publishing. The good news: With TrueEditors, you’ll find it easier than ever to delve deep into the fascinating world of publishing and have all your publishing-related needs met in one place.

Once an author – ALWAYS an author

Run into questions nearly nine months after publishing? No worries. Call us, email, us, or talk to us live - anywhere, anytime. We’re driven by the mission of making your book a long-term success.

Edited Books


Years of experience


Number of editors


Client served


Don’t wait until someday to start publishing your own books.